

National Research Saratov State University named after N. G. Chernyshevsky
National Research University “Higher School of Economics”
The Central Bank of the Russian Federation

VIII International Youth Research and Practice Conference

“Mathematical and Computer Modelling
in Economics, Insurance and Risk Management”

Saratov State University named after N. G. Chernyshevsky, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation Main Branch for Saratov region and Department of Statistics and Data Analysis of Higher School of Economics will hold VIII International Youth Research and Practice Conference “Mathematical and Computer Modelling in Economics, Insurance and Risk Management” November 13 – 16, 2019.

The aim of the conference is to discuss research findings and practical applications in the field of economic, mathematical and computer models and risk management in finance, insurance, banking, economic forecasting, investment, financial analysis and other areas of economics.

Researchers, postgraduate students, professors as well as financial, bank, insurance and government workers are welcome to participate in the Conference.

The working languages of the conference are Russian and English.

In order to participate in the Conference you are to submit the application form on the registration page before 16 September 2019.

The Conference proceedings are to be published by the beginning of the conference. The selection of papers (in Russian or English) will be made on the basis of expert reviews. The papers (up to 5 pages, see Appendix #1) are to be submitted to the organizing committee before 16 September 2019.

The materials will be published on elibrary.ru platform and indexed by RSCI (Russian Science Citation Index). Selected articles will be published in the journal Proceedings of Saratov University. New series. Series Mathematics. Mechanics. Computer science and Proceedings of Saratov University. Series Economics. Management. Law, included in the list of State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles.

Please pay special attention to the following important dates and deadlines:

  • Pre-registration deadline — September 2, 2019 September 16, 2019;
  • Paper submission deadline — September 2, 2019 September 16, 2019;
  • Notification of acceptance — September 16, 2019 October 1, 2019.

The conference will include The Fourth Workshop on Computer Modelling in Decision Making.

The conference is donated by Exactpro System”.